Sunday 1 May 2016

Week 4: Risotto

Hi everyone!

Deep breaths everybody, the fateful day has come at last. Tonight MasterChef will rise from the ashes and return greater than ever. My family will shove aside our everyday stresses and mood swings, and come together as one in front of the television.

In the face of a dying social life and dismal career prospects, this show is the one good thing I have left. In celebration of its return, I’ve made risotto! Ever since a load of contestants cocked it up, risotto has become a sort of haunted folklore of the show. Obviously, since it’s so feared and revered, I had to give it a crack!

Since I'm an all-in or nothing sorta girl, I decided to battle it out with MasterChef’s official death dish risotto. The recipe was accredited to Matt Preston. Before yesterday, I was completely unaware that he could even cook. My apologies Matt, I wrongly thought that you were nothing more than a pretty face, trussed up in an even prettier suit and cravat ensemble.

Alas, Matt can’t be a culinary dunce. Thanks to his recipe, I reached a landmark. There must’ve been some MasterChef magic in the air, because for the first time nothing went badly!

Pot 1: Risotto
I presume the white wine MasterChef contestants would use in a risotto would be 70 dollars a pop. But I don’t have an open pantry, I have a budget. Continuing the legacy of my historically stingy and anti-alcohol household, my mother actually asked the liquor shop attendant for the cheapest white wine that they had in stock. I ended up making a MasterChef risotto with a five dollar bottle of goon. If I ever open a restaurant, goon risotto will be the signature dish.

Thankfully, the cheap fermented grapes didn’t spoil the risotto. The terrible twang of discount wine was probably drowned out by the 250 GRAMS of butter good ol’ Matty called for. 250 grams- that’s like one tenth of the weight of a newborn human!

Given my tendency to culinary catastrophes, I'm reluctant to stray from the recipe. However, common sense prevailed and I left out roughly 80 grams of butter. My risotto was still exceedingly rich and creamy. Don’t get me wrong, it was delicious, but I could practically feel my arteries clogging up after a few spoonfuls of the stuff!

Pot 2: Braised mushrooms
Rice, butter and goon
Butter + Mushrooms = heaven on Earth. Nothing more needs to be said. Even I couldn't find a way to meddle with the magic of butter braised mushrooms.

Rating Rubrik
Taste: 8/10- Firstly, I don’t think anybody can have an overwhelming love for risotto. Since it is essentially rice soup. My attempt was tasty, but a bit too buttery (Damn you Matt).
Presentation/resemblance to dish: 9/10- it looked like mushrooms and soupy rice, so I guess I won.
Time: 8/10- One hour and fifteen minutes. I'm practically MasterChef.
Kitchen Mess: 9/10- Almost as clean as a newly polished whistle.

Look I don't actually know what a 'perfect' risotto is. So in reality, my risotto is probably not MasterChef standard. But hey, it tasted good! Anyway I have to go, MasterChef is starting! Happy watching everybody!


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